Unit 1.5V2 Network Topologies


Mind Map on Unit 1.5V2 Network Topologies, created by Sam Mann on 09/02/2018.
Sam Mann
Mind Map by Sam Mann, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Mann
Created by Sam Mann over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1.5V2 Network Topologies
  1. Star Toplogy
    1. Each device has its own cable that connects it to the switch.
      1. Expensive to install
        1. Extra hardware might be required
          1. If the hub or switch fails all devices will be affected.
            1. The server connects to the switch and the switch connects to all devices
            2. Mesh Topology
              1. Connecting a small network of computers together.
                1. All devices are linked together
                  1. More susceptible to attacks.
                    1. There is no need for a direct connection.
                      1. Can connect to multiple devices.
                        1. Tend to have slower transfer speeds.
                          1. Interference can happen some times.
                            1. Protocol is a set of rules to tell you how to communicate with devices
                              1. The connection isn’t stable
                                1. IP addresses are either 32 or 128 bit.
                                  1. TCP and IP are used to transmit data.
                                    1. Data is split up into packets
                                      1. IP addresses can change over time but MAC never change.
                                        1. Static IPs never change but dynamic do
                                        2. POP3 protocol Devices can only receive data
                                          1. FTP file transfer protocol used when sending large files
                                            1. HTTPS encrypted (secured data transmission)
                                              1. SMTP sending e mails only
                                                1. VIOP sending voice messages
                                                  1. TCIP Checks Source Destination Packet Order Data Error Check
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