reverse logistics process


proceso logisticos de retorno
jaime  urbina
Mind Map by jaime urbina, updated more than 1 year ago
jaime  urbina
Created by jaime urbina over 6 years ago

Resource summary

reverse logistics process
  1. initial information
    1. presentation, agenda and agreements
      1. how to surf in the course
        1. course agenda
          1. course presentation
            1. rules and conditions for the development of the course
            2. informative forum
              1. course new
                1. general forum
              2. knowledge
                1. academic course outline
                  1. syllabus of the course
                  2. course glosary
                    1. glosary
                    2. documentary sourses
                      1. unit 1 reverse logistics process theoretical foundations
                        1. unit 2 reverse logistics strategic approach
                      2. collaborative learning
                        1. learning strategy development
                          1. unit 1 and 2: phase 1- initial activity to recognize the course
                            1. activities guide and evaluation rubric- phase 1 - initial activity to recognize the course
                            2. unit 1: phase 2- proposal of a problem in reverse logistics
                              1. activities guide and evaluation rubric- phase 2- proporsal of a problem in reverse logistics
                              2. unit 2: phase 3- reverse logistics problem solution
                                1. activities guide and evaluation rubric- phase 3 - problem solution presentation
                                2. unit 1 and 2: phase 4- problem solution presentation
                                  1. activities guide and evaluation rubri- phase 4 - problem solution presentation
                                3. teacher¨s monitoring
                                  1. synchronic meetings via webconference
                                    1. synchronic attention via skype
                                  2. learning practice
                                    1. practice guide/ instructions
                                      1. guide for the use of educational resourses
                                      2. activities practice
                                        1. crossword
                                      3. monitoring and evaluation
                                        1. professional competences evidences
                                          1. e-portafolio
                                          2. initial evaluation
                                            1. phase 1: initial activity to recognize the course- delivery of the activity
                                            2. intermediate evaluation
                                              1. phase 2: proposal of a problem in reverse logistics- delivery of the actyvity
                                                1. phase 3: reverse logistics problem solution delivery of the activity
                                                2. final evaluation
                                                  1. phase 4: problem solution presentation- delivery of the activity
                                                3. student¨s management
                                                  1. academic management
                                                    1. academic news
                                                      1. laboratories schedule
                                                        1. programs and educational enrollment
                                                          1. saber pro - icfes
                                                            1. the research manament system- SIGI
                                                            2. administrative management
                                                              1. student¨s network
                                                                1. unique application format -fus
                                                                  1. inscription and educational enrollment
                                                                    1. virtual campus authentication process
                                                                      1. student services
                                                                        1. unad services
                                                                          1. user services system- sau
                                                                            1. national systemof registration and academic control sistema de resgitro y control academico
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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