Yellow Eyes (HBV infection)


Mind Map on Yellow Eyes (HBV infection), created by mohammed mansour on 02/03/2018.
mohammed mansour
Mind Map by mohammed mansour, updated more than 1 year ago
mohammed mansour
Created by mohammed mansour about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Yellow Eyes (HBV infection)
  1. Physiology of the liver
    1. Blood reservoir, Metabolism and homeostasis, Storage site, Detoxification, Bile formation
    2. Biochemistry of bilirubin
      1. Causes of loss of appetite
        1. Bacteria and viruses Psychological causes Liver diseases Gastrointestinal cancer Pregnancy & Medications
        2. Causes of nausea
          1. Gastrointestinal Food poisoning Medications Disequilibrium Psychiatric Pregnancy
          2. Hepatomegaly differential diagnosis
            1. Alcoholic/ Nonalcoholic liver disease, Viral hepatitis, Liver cancer or metastasis, Genetic diseases, Heart and blood vessel problems, Liver nfections,Damage from toxins, liver and systemic diseases
            2. Epidemiology of hepatitis
              1. Types of Jaundice
                1. Physical Examination
                  1. Eyes, Skin, Fingers (yellowish) Urine (Dark), Stools (Pale) Enlarged gallbladder Scratch marks, Xanthoma, Vitamins (A,D,E,K) deficiency,: Osteomalacia, Bruises, vision problems
                  2. Signs and symptoms
                    1. Acute
                      1. fatigue, flu-like symptoms, dark urine, pale stool, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, jaundice
                      2. Chronic
                      3. Risk factors
                        1. Health care workers, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Sewage and water treatment workers, People with multiple sexual partners, Intravenous drug users, HIV patients, People with hemophilia who receive blood.
                        2. Investigations
                          1. Blood tests (liver enzymes and viral DNA or RNA), antibodies to the hepatitis viruses, HBV Serology
                          2. Microbiology of hepatitis
                            1. Management
                              1. Hep B vaccine
                                1. Interferon Alfa, Lamivudine
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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