Church/state relations Italy and Germany


Mind Map on Church/state relations Italy and Germany, created by jonathansmth033 on 08/06/2013.
Mind Map by jonathansmth033, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jonathansmth033 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Church/state relations Italy and Germany
  1. Intro: Mussolini realised he had to appease Catholics to ensure his rule. Hitler wanted to control the power of the church
    1. Pope condemns unification of Italian state in 1870. Doctrine of papal infallibility (1870), papal bull of 1874 banned Catholic participation in Italian politics. After ww1 relations improved. Originally Mussolini took anti-clerical policies but realised he needed catholic support. He banned abortion/contraception introduced compulsory religious education etc
      1. Mussolini and pope pius 11th sign Latern accords in Rome (1929). Vatican recognised as state/ Italy paid salaries of roman bishops and priests/ 750 million lira paid to Vatican/Catholicism became official religion of italy
        1. Sep. 1933-Hitler signs concordat with Vatican to limit its powers in Germany. Church still permitted to run its own schools but their bishops had to take an oath of loyalty to the Reich/end to all church run political/social organisations. 1937 Pope Pius 11th issues encyclical to German people "with burning anxiety" which openly criticised the Nazis. Led to catholic persecution. Church becomes quite to Hitler's anti-semitic policies but secretly aids Jews. Some priests continued to speak out against the party and were sent to concentration camps.
          1. Hitler attempted to unify all 28 separate protestant churches into one entity called the Reichskirche, which was controlled by Nazi sympathisers whi attempted to instill anti jewish views. Former u boat officer, niemoller set up a breakaway confessional church in 1934 with 7000 pastors. He was arrested in 1937, spending the remainder of the war in various concentration camps. The german faith movement was established inorder to promote positive Christianity- became new state religion but never achieved much popularity
            1. Conclusion: Mussolini was unsuccessful trying to curb the authority of the church. Hitler was also unsuccessful.
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