Online Advertising


Pages 6 and 7 in WorkBook
Mind Map by rvlewis56, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rvlewis56 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Online Advertising
  1. Banner and Pop-Up Advertsing
    1. Pop-up advertising can appear on any web page or website and usually offer you a product or advertise a shop.
      1. These ads can appear at any time and on any website and can be annoying and distracting.
        1. The ads are usually animated and capture the viewers attention, drawing them into a new site. If the viewer clicks on this link they are directed to the website from the ad, this form of advertisement is becoming more and more popular.
        2. Search Engine Results Page
          1. Companies can register with the big search engines to get their products noticed.
            1. Companies can pay more money to appear higher on the list of searches so they have more chance of collecting viewers.
              1. Having all the main companies on the first page in a search engine makes it much easier for the viewer to scroll through.
                1. The first page of results aren't always the best and it doesnt always mean that they are worth your time.
                2. Email Marketing
                  1. People receive emails that are not wanted and become fustrated because they fill up their spam or inbox.
                    1. Email marketing is where an email is sent from a company to you usually when someone has bought a product from them, they can also be from third parties that have received your email from another company. They try to sell and advertise their products.
                      1. Emails like this can allow people to find something they never intended to, in a good or bad way.
                      2. Pay-per-click Advertsing
                        1. This form of advertising allows the website owner to earn a small amount of money for letting another company advertise on their website, and it is completely free of charge for them, making it worth-while. The main user being Google, all the ads down the side of google results pay google to be there and when a viewer clicks on their link they pay google.
                          1. Pay-per-click advertising is known as an affiliate model. The advert being the affiliate and the whole scheme being the model.
                            1. Google™ AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft ® adCenter are all big players in this field as well as many more.
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