

Plants Mindmap for 04/9 test
kk utset
Mind Map by kk utset, updated more than 1 year ago
kk utset
Created by kk utset over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Eukaryotes: nucleus & organelles; bryophytes (mosses), ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms; autotrophs (take energy from sun to make themselves food); cell wall made up of cellulose; terrestrial (all land plants); alternation of generations; ALL EMBRYOPHYTES (PROTECTED EMBYROS)
    1. Angiosperms flower
      1. Gymnosperms seedless (conifer)
      2. Sporophyte = diploid
        1. Gameophyte=haploid
          1. Photosynthesis: energy from the sun to make sugars, to store and give off
            1. Cytokinins increase cell division; causes plant to grow wide; keeps leaves young
              1. Phototropism: plant response to light
                1. Auxin moves to shady sign while expanding cell wall; where auxin is cells grow faster and plant leans opposite way
                2. Gibberellins plant grows taller; grapes
                  1. Abscisic acid keeps seeds dormant
                    1. Ethylene ripens fruit; positive feed back loop makes response stronger; banana next to apple
                      1. gravitropism: response to gravity; root, positive; shoot, negative
                        1. thygmotropism: response to touch
                          1. photoperiod: plant flowers based on length of night; short night flower winter, long day flower summer
                            1. Hypersensitive Response: response to pathogen infected cells and nearby cells kill selves, signal tranduction, sends chemical to warn nearby leaves
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