Speed and Velocity


Mind Map on Speed and Velocity, created by milliewernyj17 on 16/06/2013.
Mind Map by milliewernyj17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by milliewernyj17 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Speed and Velocity
  1. Speed and Velocity both measure how fast you are going and are both measured in m/s
    1. Speed is more simple than velocity, this is due to not having a direction to travel in
      1. Velocity must have a direction, for example 40mph north
    2. Velocity acceleration and displacement are called vector quantities, this is because they have a magnitude (size) and a direction
      1. Formula for Speed= distance/time
        1. In the exam when you are asked to work out the velocity, you have to write a direction because you will only get half marks, velocity is half speed, half direction
          1. Acceleration is how quickly velocity is changing
            1. Velocity can change by a change in the speed, direction or both
            2. Formula for Acceleration= Change in Velocity/Time taken
              1. To work out the 'change in velocity' you need to take the final velocity away from the initial velocity of the object
                1. Acceleration is measured in m/s2 (squared)
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