Geographical setting, natural features and resources of Mycenaean Greece


Mind Map on Geographical setting, natural features and resources of Mycenaean Greece, created by kayleerankin on 24/09/2014.
Mind Map by kayleerankin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kayleerankin over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Geographical setting, natural features and resources of Mycenaean Greece
  1. Very mountainous country - Greek mountains do not lie in the centre of the land, but pucker the whole country into valleys and mountains from the southern coastline of the Peloponnese to the plains of Thessaly in the north
    1. In Bronze Age times such geography (mountains and valleys) was suitable for the growth of Mycenean centres within the valleys
      1. Greece: Mediterranean climate - hot and dry in summer and cold and snowy in winter. Rains come in autumn and spring (more so in spring than Autumn)
        1. Mycenae lies close to the sea- fishing and seafaring was a big part of Greek life. With mountains blocking the way between valleys, sea transport became an important feature of Greek life. Mycenaeans fleets are mentioned in Homer's Illiad.
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