Car Safety


Mind Map on Car Safety, created by milliewernyj17 on 17/06/2013.
Mind Map by milliewernyj17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by milliewernyj17 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Car Safety
  1. Momentum= Mass x Velocity
    1. The greater the mass of an object, the greater the velocity and the more momentum it has
      1. Momentum is a vector quantity, this is because it has a size and direction
      2. momentum before= the momentum after
        1. When a force acts on an object, then this causes a change in momentum
          1. Larger force=faster change of momentum
            1. In a car crash, a car will have a huge momentum as it changes very quickly. The forces in the body are very large and more likely to cause an injury
              1. Cars are protected with protective features to slow people down in a crash. The longer it takes for a change in momentum, the smaller the force
          2. Features in cars which slow down momentum:
            1. Crumple zones- front of the car crumples on impact, increasing the time taken for the car to stop
              1. Seat Belts- stretch slightly, which increase the time taken for the wearer (of the seatbelt) to stop, reducing the forces acting on the chest
                1. Air bags- slow you down more gradually
                2. Bubble wrap also helps for fragile objects; increasing time so it reduces the forces of the object (force is smaller)
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