Ethical Egoism


Mind Map on Ethical Egoism, created by Sophie Fuller on 29/04/2018.
Sophie Fuller
Mind Map by Sophie Fuller, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Fuller
Created by Sophie Fuller over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Ethical Egoism
  1. We should act in our own self intrest
    1. Psychosocial egoism= we do act in our self intrest
      1. Normative
        1. Tells us how to behave
        2. E.g. donating, you should only do it if you get something out of it
          1. its an ethical theory not a pattern of behaviour, you don't have to be selfish
            1. Max Stirner
              1. "freedom cannot be granted it must be taken"
                1. You are the centre of value for yourself
                  1. A total rejection of any higher cause
                    1. You should not sacrifice yourself for a spook- an idea
                      1. We do not want the spook freedom e.g. freedom that the state allows
                        1. The bad stuff we do is on behalf of spooks
                        2. We are collaborative by nature
                          1. BUT events like twin towers
                            1. But these were people enslaved to spooks
                        3. everything has value insofar as it applies to me
                          1. Enzig- uniquness
                            1. everything is measured against me
                            2. Union of Egoists
                              1. cooperation which respects the uniqueness of individuals and supports them in pursuing their individual goals
                              2. Meta ethical- a debate that arises when the nature of ethics is considered
                                1. Short and Long Term
                                  1. self interest can be aligned with an action that helps/benefits others
                                    1. actions that could benefit people in the short term might benefit you in the long term
                                    2. Challenges
                                      1. Everyone being unique doesn't mean everyone is equal
                                        1. Destruction of community ethos
                                          1. will of the individual
                                            1. state laws for benefit of majority
                                              1. aim to free people is up to the individual
                                              2. Social injustice and bigotry
                                                1. conflict of interest with others
                                                  1. needs of individua
                                                2. Enzige
                                                  1. the ego
                                                  2. Eigenheit
                                                    1. ownness, the idea of mastering oneself
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