What can we do?


Mind Map on What can we do?, created by Diana Martinez on 03/05/2018.
Diana Martinez
Mind Map by Diana Martinez, updated more than 1 year ago
Diana Martinez
Created by Diana Martinez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

What can we do?
  1. Five thousand children die every day.
    1. Dirty water
      1. The contaminated water carries diseases.
    2. In Americans each man and woman uses about 200 litres of water.
      1. But there are droughts nearly every year.
        1. Australia spend 200 litres of water.
          1. But rich people in california spend much more.
            1. Each person spend half of it in the bathroom.
            2. Many people in Africa anda Asia have only 10 litres of water every day
              1. Each person spends more than 140 litres of water every day.
                1. Each person drinks and cooks with about tree litres.
                  1. Although the peolpe spend more of 60 litres of water.
                    1. Used the water but wash food clothes and water gardens.
                  2. THE PROBLEM FARMS
                    1. In this way the plants stay green and the people in the cities get their food.
                      1. One of the consequences pump up a lot of ground water it will be that the rivers dry up.
                      2. The farms need a lot more water.
                        1. Because they also need food.
                          1. Comes from farms, from plants and from animals.
                            1. Withoust these plants and animals will die.
                              1. For this reason rainfall can be a big problem.
                                1. Use only about 10% of it.
                                  1. Causes floods.
                          2. The Aral sea was nearly dry.
                            1. Sea from in Asia 35.000.000 people lived round the lake.
                              1. The farmers took the water from the rivers and lagoons for the cultivation of their farms.
                                1. The consequence of the extraction of the water made the Aral Sea almost dry.
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