

Project - 2018 - Apass
Caterina M
Mind Map by Caterina M, updated more than 1 year ago
Caterina M
Created by Caterina M over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Imagined Communities
    1. Imaginaries
      1. Illusion
        1. Community
          1. Collective
          2. Semio-capitalism
            1. Signs
              1. Affects
              2. How is it possible to "register" imaginary?
                1. Despacito (OBJETC)
                  1. Sunny
                    1. Heteronormativity / "MALE GAZE"
                      1. Religion
                        1. Lyrics
                          1. Spanish
                          2. Body
                            1. Perreo
                              1. Resistance?
                              2. Fetishization of women
                            2. The most famous song in Youtube (In the world?)
                              1. Covers / Contamination / Epidemic
                              2. Reggeaton
                                1. Origin: dangerous
                                  1. Today: Innocuous
                              3. Interviews (METHOD)
                                1. Who, what, how, where, which
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