Changing Worlds Game Ideas


Mind Map on Changing Worlds Game Ideas, created by 12james.cushing on 02/10/2014.
Mind Map by 12james.cushing, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 12james.cushing over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Changing Worlds Game Ideas
  1. Scenario
    1. Artificial Intelligence has made a robot with human emotions
      1. But something is wrong with its system - it can only experience negative emotions...
        1. The robot takes control of the lab it was built in. The robot is smarter than expected - it creates a band of evil minions
          1. The world is under threat as these robots are much more advanced than humans.
          2. The robot falls into the hands of some villains who use it for crime and other purposes
          3. An evil mastermind has took over the laboratory and controls the robot
            1. This mastermind has upgraded the robot to be able to take on masses of enemies.
              1. His aim is world domination...
          4. Villains have hacked into the robot control base
            1. These villains now control every robot in the world...
            2. As there are bad people, there are bad robots. They take crime to a new level.
              1. Humans are less advanced than robots. They use the good robots to fight the bad ones.
            3. What the game player would do
              1. Could be controlling a human or a good robot
                1. 1st person Shooter
                  1. Could be multiplayer
                  2. Adventure/quest based game
                    1. A choice based game/decide your destiny
                    2. Strategy based game
                  3. Target audience
                    1. 12+ year olds
                      1. Teenagers
                        1. People who enjoy Sci - fi games and films
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