The Widdard's Manor (Game Idea)


A game where you must explore the house of a mad author who is trying to bring his fantasy world to life. Explore a foreboding, find all the Skull Keys, defend yourself from fantastical monsters, and find as many secrets as you can.
William Luna
Mind Map by William Luna, updated more than 1 year ago
William Luna
Created by William Luna over 6 years ago

Resource summary

The Widdard's Manor (Game Idea)
  1. Mechanics
    1. Skull Keys (In order to face off against the final boss, you must unlock a massive stone door in the middle of the house. In the house, you will need to find 4 'SKull Keys' to unlock that door. You will need to explore the house, solve puzzles, and defeat fantastical enemies to get your hands on the Skull Keys.)
      1. Secret Fifth Skull Key (If you are observant enough, you will be able to find the secret fifth Skull Key. This Skull Key is guarded by a massive boss, which you can choose to either fight, or let it ask you a riddle that you must solve. Getting the Skull Key will let you open a secret door which could be found at the very beginning area of the game, that being the basement.
    2. Story
      1. Items
        1. Weapons
          1. Amulet of the Widdard (A powerful weapon used by the Widdard himself. It is said that whoever wields this mighty item shall be able to destroy any foe, regardless of strength, with a single hit.)
            1. Revolver (A gun which must be reloaded after 6 shots)
              1. Tommy Gun (An automatic weapon that shoots in bursts of 5. Holds up to 25 rounds at a time.
                1. Battle-Axe (A weapon used by the Orc that attacks you in the basement. Close-combat Only)
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