Energy "Loss" In Food Chains


Mind Map by lsimpson14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lsimpson14 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Energy "Loss" In Food Chains
  1. intensive farming
    1. one form of this is battery farming an example of this is chicken in cages
      1. battery farming is keeping a animal in a closed area so they don't lose energy by moving or keeping warm
        1. this is energy efficient
          1. this allows deseace to spread as the animals are close together
          2. energy transfer
            1. plans use photosynthesis to transfer the enrgy from sun into glucose
              1. only 1% of the sun's energy gets to the plant and 0.3% is "lost" in photosynthesis the rest of the suns enrgy is reflected back
                1. the 2nd consumer only gets 10 % of the energy from the plant that is 0.1% of the sun's energy
                  1. arrows in food chains represent the energy flow
                    1. at every link in the food chain 90% of enrgy is "lost"
                      1. this is why food chains are short
                        1. energy is "lost" in resperation when we transfer it into enrgy we use for doing evrythng we do
                          1. some of the energy is "lost" in our waste

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