Urban Decline.


Mr A Urban decline cover
Mind Map by doylej, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by doylej over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Urban Decline.
  1. Definitions.
    1. Urban decline is the deterioration of the inner city caused by lack of investment and maintenance.
      1. It is often but not exclusively accompanied by a decline in population numbers, decreasing economic performance and unemployment.
      2. Urban deprivation is a standard of living below that of the majority living in a particular society.
      3. Characteristics of Urban Decline.
        1. Poor quality housing
          1. Poor building maintenance
            1. Many building would have leaking roofs, draughty windows and crumbly stonework
            2. Many empty buildings
              1. Have the potential to be vandalised
              2. High levels of pollution
                1. Air, noise, water and land
              3. Effects
                1. Physical
                  1. Derelict building
                  2. Social
                    1. Social difficulty as people become depressed as they are made umemployed
                      1. Population of area declines
                      2. Economic
                        1. Less killed workforce if achievement is weaker at school
                        2. Environmental
                          1. Pollution levels
                          2. Political
                            1. The government bought about initiatives to encourage re-urbanisation
                          3. Case Studies
                            1. Park Hill, Sheffield
                              1. The Thames Gateway
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