$1K Club


For more information about the $1K Club visit: http://www.HomeOfficeInternational.com/?rd=xe8TLghs
Herman Hartman J
Mind Map by Herman Hartman J, updated more than 1 year ago
Herman Hartman J
Created by Herman Hartman J over 10 years ago

Resource summary

$1K Club
  1. You
    1. 1
      1. 1
        1. Downline/PC2
          1. Downline/PC2 = 25
        2. 2
          1. 3
            1. 4
              1. 5
                1. Downline/PC1
                2. 2
                  1. 1
                    1. Downline/PC2
                    2. 2
                      1. 3
                        1. 4
                          1. 5
                            1. Downline/PC1
                            2. 3
                              1. 1
                                1. 2
                                  1. 3
                                    1. 4
                                      1. Downline/PC2
                                      2. 5
                                        1. Downline/PC1
                                        2. 4
                                          1. 1
                                            1. 2
                                              1. 3
                                                1. 4
                                                  1. 5
                                                    1. Downline/PC2
                                                    2. Downline/PC1
                                                    3. 5
                                                      1. 1
                                                        1. 2
                                                          1. 3
                                                            1. 4
                                                              1. 5
                                                                1. Downline/PC2
                                                                2. Downline/PC1
                                                                3. Upline/Sponsor Need 15 PC1 & 54 PC1 or PC2 to make $1K per month
                                                                  1. 1 Tree gets you 5 PC1 & 25 PC2. 3 Trees gets you 15 PC1 & 75 PC2.
                                                                    1. Downline/PC1 = 5
                                                                    2. Provides training, tips, strategies, tools, & support to help you make $1K per month
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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