career development


Mind Map on career development, created by scwhite17 on 07/06/2013.
Mind Map by scwhite17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scwhite17 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

career development
  1. teaching topic knowledge
    1. Alpha Omega
      1. Bristol uni
      2. nlp ideas
        1. use of senses
        2. knowledge of SPLD theory
          1. course notes
            1. books
              1. courses
                1. tapes
                2. connections with people
                  1. Michaela
                    1. Cheryl
                      1. Anelia
                        1. Judith Todd
                          1. Paula
                            1. Marion
                              1. other course people
                              2. visualisation
                                1. courses and talks
                                  1. Patoss
                                  2. knowledge of tests
                                    1. uni library
                                      1. actual tests
                                        1. repeat and rehearse
                                      2. life coaching
                                        1. Grow model
                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


                                        CAT: Advanced
                                        Jesse Akers
                                        Self Exploration
                                        Andrew Pullan
                                        Job Search Strategies Quiz
                                        Olfa Trad
                                        Tipos de investigación
                                        jose hernandez
                                        Tipos de investigación
                                        jose hernandez
                                        Break-even Analysis - FLASH CARDS
                                        Harshad Karia
                                        Physics 2
                                        Peter Hoskins
                                        GCSE Maths: Understanding Pythagoras' Theorem
                                        Micheal Heffernan
                                        Music Therapy - CBMT practice exam #1
                                        Jessica H.