Best Practices for Teaching
Beginner English Language Learners
(ELL) at secondary level
education of all teachers
ideal world - same instruction as in other languages
most schools are not offering direct English instrucion
teachers need to know the needs of ELLs
proficiency level - TELPAS results - in 4 skills
Advanced High proficiency
patience - learing English dosn't happen overnight
social language 2 -3 years
academic language 5 - 7 years
goal = from no ability in the 4 skills to an Intermediate proficiency level
a solid foundation is essential
teachers influence trough positive reinforcement
- make students feel welcome
-praise them
-speak slowly
-keep directions simple
-never ridiculing
- pairing students with a buddy
-Google translater
-not focus on what they cannot do
-encourage them
materials in class, so that students
feel immersed in English language
-books with pictures
-should always explain what a teacher is trying to communicate
-influence the ability to produce English
information - translation in head
-less is more
-do not rephrase
-underline words
-let other students explain it