Best Practices for Teaching Beginner English Language Learners (ELL) at secondary level


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Carolin Bachmann
Mind Map by Carolin Bachmann, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolin Bachmann
Created by Carolin Bachmann over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Best Practices for Teaching Beginner English Language Learners (ELL) at secondary level
  1. education of all teachers
    1. ideal world - same instruction as in other languages most schools are not offering direct English instrucion
    2. teachers need to know the needs of ELLs
      1. proficiency level - TELPAS results - in 4 skills
        1. Beginners Intermediate Advanced Advanced High proficiency
      2. patience - learing English dosn't happen overnight
        1. social language 2 -3 years
          1. academic language 5 - 7 years
            1. goal = from no ability in the 4 skills to an Intermediate proficiency level
              1. a solid foundation is essential
            2. teachers influence trough positive reinforcement
              1. - make students feel welcome -praise them -speak slowly -keep directions simple -never ridiculing - pairing students with a buddy -Google translater -not focus on what they cannot do -encourage them
              2. materials in class, so that students feel immersed in English language
                1. -books with pictures -magazines -dictionaries -visuals
                  1. -should always explain what a teacher is trying to communicate -understandable -influence the ability to produce English
                  2. information - translation in head
                    1. -less is more -do not rephrase -keywords -underline words -let other students explain it
                    2. I DO WE DO YOU DO
                      1. -modeling -peer support -one-on-one support
                      2. Where teachers have no control
                        1. -home environment -prior schooling -personality
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