Piracy Inc.


Mind Map on Piracy Inc., created by Shani Casey on 10/15/2014.
Shani Casey
Mind Map by Shani Casey, updated more than 1 year ago
Shani Casey
Created by Shani Casey over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Piracy Inc.
  1. Film
    1. 2 minute cinema advert
      1. Showing the consequences that pirating has on the person who does it and possibly the artist who has been pirated from.
        1. Use of actors? Yes. We will be using actors for our 2 minute advert. We plan to only use a small cast.
          1. Starts with a teenager illegally downloading a film/music/game
        2. Webpage
          1. 9 pages worth of content.
            1. Quizzes, activities and your own opinion
              1. Page using gender neutral colours (Target audience both genders).
              2. Social Media
                1. A facebook and Twitter Page
                  1. A YouTube Channel
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