Believed that there's a conflict
between ruling class and
subject class
Capitalism is an economic system based on principles of
business- goods sold to make profit
Working class are employed by the ruing class to make products for a wage,
which are sold to consumers for more than they cost to make which makes a
profit for RC
RC benefit at
expense of WC
Friend of Marx
Evolutionary view of the family
Early Stages
Means of production
communally owned
Era of primitive communism
Early humans didn't own
property and lived in tribes
Tribes= Promiscuous hordes
Origins of today's nuclear family
Lies in changes made to private property
With rise of private property inheritance
became necessary- fathers needed to know who
their kids were to pass the property on
Need for monogamy arose hence family created
Family serves economy with
creation of ownership of property
Accompanied by creation of state
Ensuring the continuation and
legality of marriage and the family
Main functions=
Subordination of women
Passing on private property from
one male generation to the next
Evidence of monogamous marriage
and nuclear family in hunter groups
Idea of promiscuos hordes is possiblya
figment of Engels' imagination
Eli Zaretsky
Recent family life
Family life split by
development of
industrial society
Family important as it stands in
opposition to world of industry