SGroups - Culture and Group Dynamics part one


Social of Groups Mind Map on SGroups - Culture and Group Dynamics part one, created by becky.waine on 15/07/2013.
Mind Map by becky.waine, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by becky.waine almost 11 years ago
Copied by becky.waine almost 11 years ago
Copied by becky.waine almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

SGroups - Culture and Group Dynamics part one
  1. from slides
    1. FARR - 1996 - stated that social psychology has neglected culture has it has been dominated by Anglo-Saxon American, middle class people
      1. TRIANDIS - 1980 - 80% of the world's psychologists are American
        1. GARFINKEL - 1967 - there is a tendency for people to fail to recognise that their life is only one of many possible lives
        2. 57 % Asian, 21 European, 14 Western Hemisphere, 8 African..... 70 Non-white, 30 White... 70% unable to read, 80% in sub-standard housing, 50% suffer from malnutrition.
          1. CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY - comparing cultural effects on human psychology. looks at diversity and the reasons for that diversity. looks at new psychological universals.
            1. RACE is a group of people distinguished by similar and genetically transmitted physical characteristics
              1. ETHNICITY = cultural heritage, NATION = people who share common geographical origin, TRADITIONS = rules and symbols etc.
            2. CULTURE-BOUND - theory and data conditioned by a specific cultural background
              1. CULTURALLY BLIND - theory and data tested outside the host culture
                1. WHAT IS CULTURE?
                  1. BOND - 1998 - culture is a system of shared meaning.
                    1. BOAS - 1930 - culture is the social habits of a community.
                      1. HOGG & VAUGHAN - 2007 - culture is an expression of group norms at a national, racial and ethnic level
                    2. MORELAND ET AL - 1996 - culture is an instance of group memory and so the term culture can be applied to social collectives of all sizes
                    3. HISTORY - culture and personality in the 1920s emphasised there are close parallels between each society's culture and the common characteristics of its people
                      1. MEAD - 1928 and BENEDICT - 1934 - wrote about ethnographic research, immersion of the researcher in the everyday life of its people
                        1. TAJFEL - 1972 - has social psychology neglected culture, experiments do not consider cultural differences in the variables, you cannot do experiments in a cultural vacuum
                        2. FACE RECOGNITION - BRIGHAM AND BARKOWITZ - 1978 - OUTGROUP HOMOGENEITY EFFECT - recognise own race more accurately than pictures of other races. outgroup are seen as more similar than ingroup. "they are the same, we are diverse"
                          1. TYPES OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGISTS
                            1. CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - test theories about the differences between groups using traditional methods, questionnaires, interviews
                              1. CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - focus on universal processes where cultures are transformed using qualitative methodology
                                1. INTERCULTURAL - look at communication across cultures
                              2. ETIC-EMIC DISTINCTION. ETIC - similiar, focus on universals, e.g. we all eat. EMIC - different, culturally different.
                                1. CULTURAL VARIATION IN BEHAVIOUR
                                  1. HEIDER - 1958 - people motivated by two needs. 1. the need to form a coherent view. 2. the need to gain control over the environment
                                    1. ATTRIBUTION STYLES
                                      1. DISTRIBUTIONAL ATTRIBUTION - individual behaviour as a result of INTERNAL CAUSES
                                        1. SITUATIONAL ATTRIBUTION - individual behaviour as a result of the environment
                                          1. FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTION ERROR - bias in attributing another's behaviour more to internal than to situational causes.
                                            1. LEHMAN - 2004 - there are subtle but inconsistent differences in thought processes between east Asians and north American
                                              1. MILLER - 1984 - Hindu Indians were much less likely than North Americans to make distributional rather than situational attributions
                                                1. internal = dispositional vs. external = situational.
                                                  1. COLLECTIVIST cultures - high value on conformity and interdependence, group membership = asian and african cultures. INDIVIDUALISTIC = north american and western european
                                                    1. people from collectivist cultures (asia) are more likely to believe that a person's behaviour is due to situational demands and individualistic are more likely to see behaviour as dispositional
                                              2. VARIATION IN CONFORMITY
                                                1. SMITH AND BOND - 1998 - replication of ASCH's line study, in 17 countries, and found considerable cultural variation in conformity to group pressure. NON-WESTERN had the highest conformity, seen as escaping embarrassment instead of conforming
                                                  1. BERRY - 1967 - more conforming found in a food accumulating culture than in a hunter gatherer society BECAUSE the food accumulating culture requires cooperation to harvest a single crop whereas the hunter society is concerned with hunting on an individual basis.
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