51: Variable Rewards are Powerful. There are 4 types a Reinforcement (Reward) schedules that motivate people to continue a set of tasks.


Mind Map on 51: Variable Rewards are Powerful. There are 4 types a Reinforcement (Reward) schedules that motivate people to continue a set of tasks., created by Michael Drury on 01/09/2018.
Michael Drury
Mind Map by Michael Drury, updated more than 1 year ago
Michael Drury
Created by Michael Drury about 6 years ago

Resource summary

51: Variable Rewards are Powerful. There are 4 types a Reinforcement (Reward) schedules that motivate people to continue a set of tasks.
  1. A Fixed Interval schedule means being rewarded on a set time interval. For example, every 5 minutes getting 10 points toward your next level
    1. A Variable Interval schedule means being rewarded in a variety of time intervals that average out in the end.
    2. A Fixed Ratio schedule means being rewarded for doing a certain number of actions. For example, every 5 friends you get to sign up will unlock another feature.
      1. A Variable Ratio schedule means being rewarded for doing an unknown number of actions that average out. The perfect example of this is playing the slots in Las Vegas
        1. This schedule in considered the most addicting
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