65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together


People are Social Animals Mind Map on 65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together, created by Yahav Avraham-Katz on 05/09/2018.
Yahav Avraham-Katz
Mind Map by Yahav Avraham-Katz, updated more than 1 year ago
Yahav Avraham-Katz
Created by Yahav Avraham-Katz over 5 years ago

Resource summary

65. Doing Things Together Bonds People Together
  1. Anthropologists found that people who did the same activity, such as singing together or dancing together, were more cooperative.
    1. They call these activities synchronus activities
      1. Research also shows that you don't necessarily have to like or feel good about the group to be cooperative after synchronus activities.
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    63. The "strong tie" group size limit is 150 people.
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