66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules


People are Social Animals Mind Map on 66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules, created by Yahav Avraham-Katz on 08/09/2018.
Yahav Avraham-Katz
Mind Map by Yahav Avraham-Katz, updated more than 1 year ago
Yahav Avraham-Katz
Created by Yahav Avraham-Katz over 5 years ago

Resource summary

66. People Expect Online Interactions to Follow Social Rules
  1. There are unspoken rules in social interaction - if someone you know comes up to you and starts a conversation, the rule would be to respond.
    1. We expect our online interactions to work the same way - if a website is not responsive or asks us too much personal information too soon, it is like a person doing that in real life.
      1. When designing a product or website, take the time to think about how a person will really interact with it, like it was a human too.
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