Network Models


Network+ Mind Map on Network Models, created by chriswoods1188 on 27/07/2013.
Mind Map by chriswoods1188, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chriswoods1188 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Network Models
  1. OSI Model
    1. 7 Application
      1. APIs
      2. 6 Presentation
        1. Converting data into readable formats by the system
        2. 5 Session
          1. Session tracking and naming
          2. 4 Transport
            1. Requests lost packets
              1. assembles/dissassembles data
              2. 3 Network
                1. TCP/IP
                  1. IP
                    1. Logical Address
                    2. Packets
                    3. Router
                    4. 2 Data Link
                      1. NICs
                        1. Media Access Code
                          1. 48 bits
                            1. OUI
                              1. Device ID
                                1. 00-00-00-00-00-00
                                2. MAC or EUI
                                3. Frames
                                  1. Recip. MAC || Sender MAC || Data || FCS
                                    1. CRC
                                    2. 1500 bytes
                                    3. Broadcast FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
                                      1. LLC
                                        1. Deals with everything else
                                        2. Media Access Control
                                          1. Deals with MAC address
                                      2. 1 - Physical
                                        1. Cabling and Hubs
                                        2. Prescriptive
                                        3. TCP/IP
                                          1. Application
                                            1. 5,6,7
                                            2. Transport
                                              1. 4
                                                1. TCP segment
                                                  1. UDP datagram
                                                  2. Internet
                                                    1. 3
                                                      1. IP packet
                                                      2. Link/Network Interface
                                                        1. 1,2
                                                        2. Descriptive
                                                        3. Connectionless
                                                          1. UDP
                                                          2. Connection-Orientated
                                                            1. TCP
                                                            2. All People Should Try Network Data Processing
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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