History Sources Year 11


Mind Map on History Sources Year 11, created by Helen MacDonald on 28/10/2014.
Helen MacDonald
Mind Map by Helen MacDonald, updated more than 1 year ago
Helen MacDonald
Created by Helen MacDonald over 9 years ago

Resource summary

History Sources
  1. Primary
    1. Letters
      1. Diaries
        1. Newspapers
        2. Secondary
          1. Textbooks
            1. History books
            2. How did ... affect NZ Society
              1. Did it change the lives of people?
                1. How many?
                  1. How did it change their lives?
                    1. Negative or positive?
                    2. What groups of people? E.g. The Police, women etc
                    3. Perspectives
                      1. What do they think?
                        1. Point of view
                        2. Positive or Negative?
                          1. Why do they think this?
                            1. What do they say that shows their perspective?
                            2. How useful is a source?
                              1. Does it help you to answer the question?
                                1. What info does it give you?
                                  1. What does it leave out?
                                  2. Who wrote it?
                                    1. Why did they write it?
                                      1. Is it biased or one-sided?
                                        1. Is it reliable?
                                          1. Do other sources support the information?
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