Series 3: Implementation of the Project


GRPB Mind Map on Series 3: Implementation of the Project, created by mandy leow on 09/10/2018.
mandy leow
Mind Map by mandy leow, updated more than 1 year ago
mandy leow
Created by mandy leow almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Series 3: Implementation of the Project
  1. Mapping the Community
    1. Importance
      1. identify the range of people involved
        1. potential different needs and uses involved
          1. identify potential partners within the community
          2. 3 types of mapping
            1. Full Census
              1. Survey Facility Users
                1. Using Key Informants
                2. Before start
                  1. type of mapping to use
                    1. careful planning the questions
                      1. avoid too long
                      2. Mappers
                        1. get local people's help
                        2. Informing the community
                          1. Clear communication
                          2. Confidentiality
                        3. Getting the community to identify and priorities its own needs
                          1. Focus Group Discussion
                            1. different people
                              1. women
                                1. Men
                                  1. OKU
                                    1. Elderly
                                      1. teenager
                                      2. Area of questioning
                                      3. Voting
                                        1. Importance
                                          1. 6 Voting Process
                                          2. summary
                                            1. Projek Ruang Awam
                                              1. Projek Bajet Peneyertaan Rakyat
                                            2. Planning the Response
                                              1. Important considerations
                                                1. Good Practices
                                                2. Implementing the Projects
                                                  1. Examples
                                                    1. Projek Ruang Awam
                                                      1. Projek Bajet Penyertaan Rakyat
                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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