Series 2: Planning of the Project


GRPB Mind Map on Series 2: Planning of the Project, created by mandy leow on 09/10/2018.
mandy leow
Mind Map by mandy leow, updated more than 1 year ago
mandy leow
Created by mandy leow over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Series 2: Planning of the Project
  1. Identify a specific project & community
    1. Projek Bajet Penyertaan Rakyat
      1. Projek Perumahan
        1. Projek Jelajah
        2. Projek Ruang Awam
        3. Pre-Thinking
          1. 5 aspects
            1. Objectives
              1. Structure and Ownership
                1. Budget Resources
                  1. Human resources
                    1. Expectations
                  2. Inform & discuss with the community & stakeholders
                    1. GRPB is All about the community & participation
                      1. Importance to buy in the community
                        1. Sense of Responsibility
                          1. secure community partnership throughout the project
                            1. community's assistance in the further plan
                              1. Gather the voices from different groups
                            2. Gender and Family Friendly Checklist
                              1. Objectives
                                1. Characteristics of Gender Friendly Facilities
                                  1. Who and When
                                    1. 2 parts
                                      1. External
                                        1. Internal
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