Activity 3: My Personal Learning Network


Mind Map on Activity 3: My Personal Learning Network, created by finks213 on 01/11/2014.
Mind Map by finks213, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by finks213 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Activity 3: My Personal Learning Network
  1. Long-term goals
    1. Find a position where I can help teachers and students by leading them
      1. work at a university
        1. work as a principal
          1. find the job that has influence on fixing our educatinoal system
        2. Short- Term Goals
          1. Complete my Teachnow Program
            1. Find an international school to do my student teaching
              1. Take the necessary exams and get certified
                1. Decide if I want to teach in the USA or abroad
                  1. Tool/Resources that will help me achieve these goals
                    1. My Teachnow cohort
                      1. Share ideas and info
                      2. Teachnow instructors and staff
                        1. Guide me on my road to certification
                        2. My colleagues and friends
                          1. Help me become a better teacher
                            1. Connections to International schools
                            2. Google
                          2. Medium-term goals
                            1. Become comfortable in a job I hope to hold long-term
                              1. Build relationships with future colleagues
                              2. Continue learning about education
                                1. Study for my doctorate
                                  1. Get my CELTA
                                  2. Develop an online/real-life presence as someone who helps/guides/mentors others
                                    1. Blog
                                      1. Edutopia
                                        1. Make myself available for colleagues
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