Questions for Midterm Exam


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Mind Map by bernaue2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bernaue2 about 10 years ago

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Questions for Midterm Exam
  1. Essay
    1. Common Themes
      1. Poetic Structure/Form
        1. Metaphor
          1. Applying Lecture Terms to Literature
            1. Compare/Contrast
            2. Site Passages
              1. Everyman
                1. The Book of Margery Kempe
                  1. The Dream of the Rood
                    1. Caedmon's Hymn
                      1. Beowulf
                        1. Canterbury Tales
                          1. Wife of Bath
                            1. Prologue
                            2. Astrophil and Stella
                              1. Defense of Poesy
                                1. The Faerie Queen
                                  1. 1. Close Analysis
                                    1. 2. Identification of literature, author
                                      1. 3. Short Answer Commentary
                                        1. Sonnets
                                        2. Terms
                                          1. Prevalent Throughout Exam
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