Defining the Media: Agencies of communication that
transmit information, education,
news and entertainment to mass
3 Types
Print media
Audio-visual media
Terrestrial and satellite TV
Cybermedia or Digital media
Social Networking e.g. Facebook
Mobile phones/Mp3 players
Games industry
Formal Controls of the Media
The law
The Laws of Libel
Forbid the publication of an untrue
statement about a person which may bring
them into contempt, ridicule,dislike or
hostility in society.
The Official Secrets Act
Makes it a criminal offence to report,
without authorisation, any official
government activity which the
government defines as an 'official
Defence Advisory (DA) Notices
Issued by the governmentas
requests to journalists not to report security information which
the government believes may be
useful to an enemy.
The Racial and Religious Hatred Act
Forbid the expression of hatred or
discrimination against people
because of their ethnic group or
religious beliefs.
The Obscene Publications Act
Forbids the public of anything the court
deems to be obscene and indecent.
Contempt of Court Provisions
Forbids the reporting, expression of
opinions or publication of materials
about cases which are in process.
How media is controlled
Official government press conferences
press conferences with journalists and editors.
Leaks and off-the record briefings
informal through which the
governmenttry to influence what
is reported in the news.
The use of government spin doctors
try to manipulate the media by providing a
afvourable slant to a potentially unpopular or
controversial news item.
Refusal to issue broadcasting licenses
refuses to issue them to those who are
deemed unfit or unsuitable.
Refusal to all the use of some forms of internet software
the use of filtering and surveillence software to block
access to some internet sites.
The electronic surveillance of emails
monitoring of websites and interception of
mobile calls.