set and venn diagram


Mind Map on set and venn diagram, created by Raphael Lim on 03/11/2014.
Raphael Lim
Mind Map by Raphael Lim, updated more than 1 year ago
Raphael Lim
Created by Raphael Lim almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

set and venn diagram
  1. Set language and notation
    1. A U B "A union B" everything that is in either of the sets
      1. Ac or ~A "A complement", or "not A" everything in the universe outside of A
        1. A ^ B or A intersect B "A intersect B" only the things that are in both of the sets
          1. ~(A U B) "not (A union B)" everything outside A and B
            1. "A complement B" everything in A except for anything in its overlap with B
              1. ~(A ^ B) or ~(A intersect B) "not (A intersect B)" everything outside of the overlap of A and B
              2. Venn Diagram
                1. A ^ C.
                  1. A U(B – C)
                    1. A U(B - C) U A
                      1. B U C
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