How Is Each Theory Relevant to the Romantic Genre?


Mind Map on How Is Each Theory Relevant to the Romantic Genre?, created by Zoe McGhee on 11/04/2014.
Zoe McGhee
Mind Map by Zoe McGhee, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe McGhee
Created by Zoe McGhee about 10 years ago

Resource summary

How Is Each Theory Relevant to the Romantic Genre?
  1. Propp's Character Theory
    1. Prop's charater theory suggest that in every story there is set of characters that define the narrative
      1. Each character is equally important in building the story
        1. Within the romantic genre Propp's theory is easy to visualise
          1. In every romantic story there is a girl 'THE PRINCESS' according to Propp. She can come in many forms, such as Bella in Twilight.
            1. There is also her love interest 'THE PROTAGONIST' according to Propp for example Edward Cullen from Twilight
              1. The ANTAGONIST usually takes the form of someone trying to steal the girl. The most obvious example being Jacob in the Twighlight series
                1. There is also a DISPATCHER according to Propp, this could be Emmet Cullen (who gives Edward advice to win his girl)
                  1. The last character is the 'FALSE HERO' it is hard to build up this many characters within the romantic genre, because it is very much based on two people. However sometimes it is possible, like in Twilight for the false hero and antongist to be the same person, This does not mean Propp's theory is incorrect because the character and their actions still comply.
                2. There is also a 'DONOR' or helper who is trying to help the hero (on his quest) in the case of this genre to win over the girl. This could be Edwards dad in Twilight
          2. Todorov's Narrative Theory
            1. The theory states films start with an equilibrium. In the romantic genre, this could be before the two charters have even met. Or when they first get together. For example in Friends with Benefits it is before they have even met.
              1. The disruption could be if they are together and break up, or another relationship breaks up. For example in Friends with Benefits both characters simultaneously break up relationships.
                1. There is then a recognition of the events, within this particular film (FWB) the main man (Justin Timberlake) decides to move to New York where he meets his love interest. However soon there is conflict.
                  1. There is then attempt to repair the disruption, for example the regrouping of the couple at the train station.
                    1. The pair then decide to remain friends and start their love affair in a new equilibrium.
            2. Roland Barthe's Narrative Code Theory
              1. Roland Barthe said stories avoid telling the truth. Just like in Friends with Benefits and most other romantic films whereby the characters avoid sharing their true feelings.
                1. Barthe said this is called the Enigma code, this is something that builds the tension in the story. Which is compatible with the 'Will they, wont they' aspect of romantic films.
                  1. The Semantic code is something Barthe said gives hint to the previous code. For example those long looks shared between two characters before they fall in love.
                    1. The Symbolic code gives clues in a wider meaning according to Barthe, for example a character wearing red (the colour of love)
                      1. The Cultural Code according to Barthe is something that looks at morality. This can come for testing times in a romance genre film, for example one night stands or failed relationship rebounds.
              2. Levi-Strauss Conflict Theory
                1. Levi-Strauss says narrative is based on 'binary opposites' in romantic films. In Twilight this is evident as the oppsoites are humans and vampires.
                  1. He says the two opposites are what makes the narrative so intresting. This is great for the romantic genre as the opposite of the two people in love can push the narrative forward and make for a really good story - just like Twilight.
                2. Users and Gratification's Theory
                  1. Our film takes the same approach to mass communications we work on the principal of competion by giving the audience what suits their needs.
                    1. This is evident throughout the our post, as we have done mass investigation-See the questionnaire. regarding what our audience want from a romantic film
                    2. Our media suits the enteratiament part of the theory that some medias, (films, tv shows ext) are created for entreatment purposes
                      1. We also take the assumption that our audience are not passive as they have played an active part of our planning and production so far as we post regular action plans and audience feedback
                      2. Dyer's star theory
                        1. The way the constriction of a 'brand' will be exploitated in our film is through who we would choose to play each part
                          1. The female lead
                            1. Female leads are a brand throughout the film industry with girls for example Angelina Jolie creating a person of a tough feisty girl
                              1. For our film we have decided that a female lead such as Cameron Diaz or Milia Kunis would be perfect for our brand! Both actresses are used to playing fun ditzy characters, in romantic films with serious undertones and moral questions
                            2. The male lead
                              1. Male leads in the romantic genre are always good looking, clumsy and naturally funny!
                                1. Hugh Grant is perhaps the most famous example, however for a film such as ours that has slightly younger audiences, someone like Justin Timberlake and Aston Kutcher would be aacceptable
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