necesitar/to need


Mind Map on necesitar/to need, created by Tyler Fordham on 08/11/2018.
Tyler Fordham
Mind Map by Tyler Fordham, updated more than 1 year ago
Tyler Fordham
Created by Tyler Fordham almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

necesitar/to need
  1. Yo necesito
    1. I need
    2. Tú necesitas
      1. you need
      2. Él/Ella necesita
        1. He = él
          1. She = ella
            1. He/she needs
            2. Nosotros necesamos
              1. we need
                1. Nosotras
                2. Ellos/Ellas necesitan
                  1. ellos = masculine
                    1. ellas = feminine
                      1. they need
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