Yasser is falling behind


Mind Map on Yasser is falling behind, created by Dua Ga on 17/11/2018.
Dua Ga
Mind Map by Dua Ga, updated more than 1 year ago
Dua Ga
Created by Dua Ga almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Yasser is falling behind
  1. Pituitary gland
    1. Anatomy
      1. Function
        1. Posterior pituitary
          1. Secretes
            1. (ADH)
              1. Oxytocin
          2. Anterior pituitary
            1. Secretes
              1. ACTH
                1. TSH
                  1. LH
                    1. FSH
                      1. PRL
                        1. GH
        2. GROWTH CHARTS
          1. track the growth of infants, children, and adolescents
            1. Males
              1. Females
            2. Developmental milestones
              1. maternal and child health care
                1. promote
                  1. Therapeutic rehabilitation
                    1. Decrease in mortality and morbidity
                  2. Checkups
                    1. • History
                      1. weight
                        1. length
                          1. • Head circumference
                            1. Feeding
                              1. • Sleeping
                                1. Development
                                  1. • physical examination
                  3. Hormones involved in growth
                    1. Growth hormone
                      1. Thyroid hormone
                        1. Insulin & IGF1
                          1. Androgens
                        2. Deficiency
                          1. Due to
                            1. 1-deficiency of anterior pituitary secretion
                              1. 2-Secretion of inactive growth hormone
                                1. 3-Hypothalamic dysfunction
                                  1. 4-Lack of end organ response to GH
                            2. Leads to
                              1. 1-panhypopituitary dwarfism
                                1. 2-African Pygmy and LeviLorain dwarf
                              2. Treatment
                                1. Drugs
                                  1. rGH:
                                    1. sermorlin
                                      1. mecasermin
                                        1. nutropin
                                  2. Adverse effects
                                    1. Hyperglycemia
                                      1. Gynactomastia
                                        1. Tumorogenesis
                                          1. BIH
                                    2. Prognosis
                                      1. catch-up growth in first year
                                        1. waning effect
                              3. Hereditary causes for short stature
                                1. achondroplasia
                                  1. mucopolysaccharide disease.
                                    1. SED
                                2. malnutrition
                                  1. • Stunting
                                    1. height and weight under normal
                                    2. • Marasmus
                                      1. severe protein-energy deficiency
                                      2. • Kwashiorkor
                                        1. acute protein-energy deficiency
                                        2. • Vitamin and mineral deficiency
                                        3. intellectual disability
                                          1. • Mild
                                            1. • Moderate
                                              1. • Severe
                                          2. Investigations
                                            1. Blood test
                                              1. (DXA) scan
                                                1. MRI
                                                  1. X-ray
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