Taxonomy (Whittaker)


All the kingdoms and Phylums as proposed by Whittaker (1969)
Mind Map by sutirtha.paul00, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sutirtha.paul00 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Taxonomy (Whittaker)
  1. K. Animalia
    1. Parazoa (Cellular Level)
      1. P. Porifera
      2. Eumetozoa (Tissue Level)
        1. Radiata (Radial Symmetry)
          1. P. Cnidaria
            1. P. Cterophora
            2. Bilataeria ( Bilateral Symmetry)
              1. Acoelomata
                1. P.Platyhelminthes
                2. Pseudocoelomata
                  1. P. Nematoda
                  2. Eucoelomata
                    1. Protostomea
                      1. P. Annelida
                        1. P. Mollusca
                          1. P. Arthropoda
                          2. Deutostomia
                            1. P. Echinodermata
                              1. P. Homichordata
                                1. P. Chordata
                                  1. Protochordata
                                    1. Urochordata (Subphylum)
                                      1. Cephalochordata (Subphylum)
                                      2. Vertebrate
                                        1. Agnatha
                                          1. Gnathostomata
                                            1. Pisces
                                              1. Amphibia
                                                1. Reptilia
                                                  1. Aves
                                                    1. Mammals
                                      3. K. Monera
                                        1. All Prokaryotic organisms
                                        2. K. Protista
                                          1. All Eukaryotic Unicellular organsims
                                          2. K. Plantae
                                            1. Embryo Absent - Thallophyta (Algae)
                                              1. Embryo Present
                                                1. Vascular Tissue Absent - Bryophyta
                                                  1. Vascular Tissue Present
                                                    1. Seeds Absent - Pteridophtyta
                                                      1. Seeds Present - Phanerogams
                                                        1. Seeds Naked - Gymnospermae
                                                          1. Seeds in fruits - Angiospermae
                                                            1. Single Cotyledon - Monocot
                                                              1. Two Cotyledon - Dicot
                                                      2. K. Fungi
                                                        1. All Fungi
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