Nervous System overview


Mind Map on Nervous System overview, created by katherine--anne on 13/11/2014.
Mind Map by katherine--anne, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katherine--anne over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Nervous System overview
  1. Central Nervous System
    1. Brain
      1. Spinal Cord
    2. Peripheral Nervous System
      1. Motor devision (Efferent)
        1. Takes from CNS to target sell
          1. Autonomic
            1. Involuntary movement
              1. Parasympathetic
                1. Less active
                  1. "rest and digest"
                    1. Lows heart rate
                2. Sympathetic
                  1. More active in exersize
                    1. "fight or Flight"
                      1. Increase heart rate in exersize
              2. Somatic
                1. Voluntary movement
                  1. Skeletal muscle cells
              3. Sensory Division (Afferent)
                1. Sencing: sight, touch, pain & smell
                  1. Sends to CNS to make a desition/responce
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