Analysis of Badminton Athlete - Yannick


Sports Performance
Mind Map by denisjohnstone.9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by denisjohnstone.9 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Analysis of Badminton Athlete - Yannick
  1. Physical Tests
    1. Flexability Test
      1. Sit and reach test.This procedure is done to test flexibility
      2. Grip Test
        1. The purpose of this test is to measure the maximum isometric strength of the hand and forearm muscles. Handgrip strength is important for any sport in which the hands are used for catching, throwing or lifting.
        2. Agility Test
          1. T-Test
            1. The purpose: the T-Test is a test of agility for athletes, and includes forward, lateral, and backward running
          2. Power Test
            1. Upper Body - Standing Medicine ball throw 2-5kg
              1. this is done to test upper body strength
              2. Lower Body - Vertical Jump Test
                1. This procedure describes is used for directly measuring the vertical jump height jumped. To show explosive strength
            2. Psycologiical Tests
              1. Achievement test + observation sheet
                1. Anxiety test + observation sheet
                  1. Scat test
                    1. The purpose of these tests is to test is, Anxiety and Arousal levels of stress
                    2. skills for Badminton
                      1. Focussed Data Collections - to check
                        1. Obervation data sheets
                        2. Tactical Data
                          1. Scatter Graph Observation sheet
                            1. shot position
                          2. High Serve - Net Play - Overhead Clear shots - Smash
                            1. Observation sheets
                            2. Technical - Attacking - Defense - Use of shots
                              1. Observation sheets
                            3. Resources
                              1. Focus- video or recorded games for analysis
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