
Mind Map on Untitled, created by Scott Smith on 17/11/2014.
Scott Smith
Mind Map by Scott Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Scott Smith
Created by Scott Smith over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Music genres
  1. Rap
    1. country rap
      1. Reggae
        1. pop rap
        2. Classical
          1. romantic
            1. choral
              1. opera
              2. Pop
                1. R&B
                  1. Indie pop
                    1. dub step
                      1. sophisticated pop
                      2. Rock
                        1. Indie/rock
                          1. Punk Rock
                            1. Grunge
                              1. Screamo
                              2. Hip-Hop
                                1. electro
                                  1. Grime
                                    1. metal
                                    2. Blues/Jazz
                                      1. soul
                                        1. Rock
                                          1. Gospel
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