infinitives and gerunds


Mind Map on infinitives and gerunds, created by josue gonzalez on 28/01/2019.
josue gonzalez
Mind Map by josue gonzalez, updated more than 1 year ago
josue gonzalez
Created by josue gonzalez over 5 years ago

Resource summary

infinitives and gerunds
  1. infinite
    1. example
      1. 1. im want to dance with her.
        1. 2. he tried to csll you
          1. 3. you forgot to buy the milk.
            1. 4. im glad to help you.
              1. 5. he went there to learn french.
                1. 6. she wants to see him.
                  1. 7. i want to dance with you
                    1. . i tried to call her.
      2. the infiniteve is foemed with the preposition "TO"(to walk, etc)
      3. gerendus
        1. the gerendus is formed with"-ING"(walking, eating,etc)
          1. example
            1. 1. im studying chemistry.
              1. 2. are you coming tonight?
                1. 3. im working in the new dinner.
                  1. 4. john is running right now.
                    1. 5. she is reading her new book in the room.
                      1. 6. my son is playing with his friends.
                        1. 7. i love eating chocolate and candies.
                          1. 8. the woman waiting room is full of people
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