Problem Solving Brainstorm Example: Receipt Storing Application


Mind Map on Problem Solving Brainstorm Example: Receipt Storing Application, created by Hank Hill on 06/02/2019.
Hank Hill
Mind Map by Hank Hill, updated more than 1 year ago
Hank Hill
Created by Hank Hill about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Problem Solving Brainstorm Example: Receipt Storing Application
  1. Storage
    1. Categories
      1. Store name
        1. Date
          1. General category (e.g.) Stationery
          2. Photo/Scan receipt
            1. Screenshot/Attach file
              1. Account/Cloud backup
              2. Transmit
                1. Membership - connected to app
                  1. Airdrop/Alternation
                    1. QR code
                      1. NFC - Near Field Communication
                      2. Users
                        1. Tech Savvy people - Gen Z?
                          1. Organised
                            1. Lots of purchases
                            2. Functionality
                              1. Add receipt
                                1. Location
                                  1. Previous stores
                                    1. History
                                  2. Recents
                                    1. Search
                                      1. Categories
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