Development of Triple Alliance/ Entente


Mind Map on Development of Triple Alliance/ Entente, created by Charlie Millington on 20/11/2014.
Charlie Millington
Mind Map by Charlie Millington , updated more than 1 year ago
Charlie Millington
Created by Charlie Millington almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Development of Triple Alliance/ Entente
  1. Triple Alliance
    1. 1879, Bismark signed the Dual Alliance w/ Austria Hungary
      1. Strengthen German against France/ Russia
      2. Italy Joined in 1882
        1. Triple Alliance was formed
          1. Defensive Alliance
            1. Agree to support each other if any were attacked
      3. Triple Entente
        1. Franco - Russian Dual Alliance, 1894
          1. Both France + Russia felt isolated in Europe
            1. France wanted revenge for defeat of 1871 war
              1. Recover Alsace-Lorraine
              2. Russia needed loan to stimulate economic growth
              3. Entene Cordiale, 1904
                1. Britain felt Isolated in Europe
                  1. Germany declined to sign agreement in 1900-02 limiting naval expansion
                  2. Increasing rivalry between Germany and Britain due to German Naval Expansion
                    1. Britain wanted to stop French Interference in Eygpt
                      1. France wanted free hand to expand to Morocco
                    2. Anglo - Russian Entente, 1907
                      1. Signed due to French Influence
                    3. Effects
                      1. Increased tension in Europe
                        1. Dispute between one of the members could well involve other members
                          1. Result in a dispute between two countries becoming a six way conflict
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