Breast Lump


Mind Map on Breast Lump, created by Salma Moustafa on 25/02/2019.
Salma Moustafa
Mind Map by Salma Moustafa, updated more than 1 year ago
Salma Moustafa
Created by Salma Moustafa about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Breast Lump
  1. Anatomy of the breast
    1. functional unit
      1. duct-lobular unit
      2. lies on
        1. serratis anterior
          1. pectoralis major
            1. external oblique
          2. Development of the breast
            1. prenatal
              1. starts at day 35 gestation
                1. formation of mammary line
                2. 6 months
                  1. breast framework
                3. infant
                  1. areola pigmented
                    1. nipple projects from growth of underlying mesoderm
                    2. puberty till adulthood
                      1. TANNER STAGES
                    3. Breast Cancer
                      1. Genetics
                        1. Subtypes
                          1. Luminal A
                            1. ER+
                              1. SERMs
                            2. Luminal B
                              1. ER+ Her2+
                              2. Her 2+
                                1. ER -ve, Her 2+
                                  1. trastuzumab
                                2. Basal like
                                  1. ER-, HER2-
                                    1. chemotherapy
                              3. Risk factors
                                1. BRCA-1 and BRCA-2
                                  1. increased oestrogen exposure
                                    1. age at first birth
                                      1. early menarche, late menopause
                                        1. obesity
                                        2. non-invasive
                                          1. ductal carcinoma in situ
                                            1. malignant proliferation of ductal cells
                                              1. doesn't cross BM
                                              2. comedocarcinoma
                                                1. central necrosis and calcification
                                                2. paget disease
                                                  1. intraepithelial adenocarcinoma
                                                    1. eczematous lesion on nipple
                                                  2. invasive
                                                    1. ductal carcinoma
                                                      1. DCIS crosses BM
                                                        1. nipple retraction
                                                          1. skin dimpling
                                                          2. lobular carcinoma
                                                            1. single sheet of cells
                                                              1. decreased E-cadherin expression
                                                              2. medullary carcinoma
                                                                1. fleshy, cellular,lymphocytic infiltrate
                                                                2. inflammatory
                                                                  1. lymphatic invasion and blockage
                                                                    1. p'eau d'orange
                                                                3. screening
                                                                  1. mammogram
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