NGA Development


A summary of impacts
Julia Hughes
Mind Map by Julia Hughes, updated more than 1 year ago
Julia Hughes
Created by Julia Hughes over 5 years ago

Resource summary

NGA Development
  1. Health and Safety
    1. Moderate long term benefit
      1. occupational health
        1. NGA personnel will comply with applicable OSHA
        2. reduction of crime
          1. child safety
          2. Long term negative
            1. 3 minute increase on emergency response time
              1. NGA will coordinate its site plans with local emergency responders
          3. Land Use
            1. moderate, long-term benefit to surrounding land use
            2. Socioeconomic
              1. Moderate short term benefit
                1. construction employment
                  1. increased spending during construction
                  2. Long term negative
                    1. Loss of earnings tax to the City of St. Louis
                      1. Loss of property tax
                    2. Traffic & Transportation
                      1. Long Term Negative
                        1. Construction Traffic
                      2. Air Quality
                        1. Community Cohesion
                          1. moderate short-term displacement and relocation of current residents and businesses
                            1. All acquisitions will be in compliance with Missouri statutes governing acquisition and relocations
                            2. Traffic impact from construction
                              1. Construction will occur primarily during weekdays and working hours
                            3. Noise
                              1. Short term negative
                                1. Contruction noise pollution
                                  1. Construction and operation activities will comply with the St. Louis Noise Ordinance
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