Mike Sampson


mike sampson
Mind Map by ladnermike, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ladnermike over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Mike Sampson
  1. Family
    1. Siblings
      1. Three Older Brothers
        1. Different Ages
          1. 16
            1. Lucas
            2. 20
              1. Connor
                1. Works at Restaurant
                  1. Fiance
                    1. Serena
                2. 23
                  1. Ken
                    1. Works in Construction
                      1. Builds Elevators
            3. Youngest of 4
              1. Mike
                1. Born at Richmond General Hospital
                  1. May 2nd, 2000
              2. Parents
                1. Mom
                  1. Born in Ontario
                    1. April, 1966
                  2. Dad
                    1. Born in Victoria
                      1. August, 1971
                      2. Works in Product Design
                  3. Nationality
                    1. Is Canadian
                      1. Cold
                        1. Different Culture
                          1. Hockey
                            1. Bacon
                              1. Igloos
                                1. Cold Houses
                                2. Wildlife
                                  1. Bears
                                    1. Beavers
                                  2. Chop Trees
                                  3. If American
                                    1. Warmer Climate
                                      1. Different Education
                                        1. Not as Intelligent
                                        2. Higher Crime Rate
                                          1. Lower Gun Control
                                            1. Awful Results
                                              1. School Shootings
                                                1. Acts of Terrorism
                                                  1. Sept. 11, 2001 Attacks
                                        3. Gender
                                          1. Male
                                            1. Plays a Role in New France Jobs
                                              1. Hunting
                                                1. Not Cooking
                                                2. Since Birth
                                              2. Ethnicity
                                                1. Canadian
                                                  1. Born
                                                    1. Raised
                                                    2. Great Grandparents
                                                      1. Swedish
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