Haiti Earthquake


Mind Map on Haiti Earthquake, created by dannistar26 on 30/11/2014.
Mind Map by dannistar26, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dannistar26 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Haiti Earthquake
  1. January 12th 2010
    1. worst earthquake in 200 years
    2. 230 000 people died and a further 300 000 people injured
      1. $7.8 billion loss and damage nationally
        1. 25 million tonnes of debris was left by the quake
          1. education
            1. 50% of Haiti's schools and 3 universities were destroyed by the quake
            2. subsidised imports of rice from US had forced Haitian farmers to migrate to the cities
              1. more than 1000 temporary camps
                1. 1.3 million remained displaced in 2010
                2. 90% of government offices destroyed and 25% of all civil servants dead
                  1. cities such as Port-au-Prince already suffering from overcrowding
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