Walden Chapter 8: The Village


Mind Map on Walden Chapter 8: The Village, created by Aziz Hanna on 10/04/2019.
Aziz Hanna
Mind Map by Aziz Hanna, updated more than 1 year ago
Aziz Hanna
Created by Aziz Hanna over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Walden Chapter 8: The Village
  1. Thoreau goes to the village to hear the gossip (which is going against his idea of self improvement).
    1. He compares the village to the forest because the village is home to certain kinds of "animals" just as the forest is.
      1. He doesn't really like the village because it is crowded with too many people, he quickly escapes back into the woods when he is done with his business.
        1. Going back makes him appreciate the starngeness and vastness of nature.
      2. While in the village one day, he was arrested for not paying his taxes.
        1. He describes what happened as just another way of society getting in the way of his life.
          1. He was never picked on or harrassed by anyone except the State.
            1. All of society's troubles would go away if everyone lived a simple life like him.
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