Identity in the media


A2 Media Mind Map on Identity in the media, created by kaystaarr on 08/12/2014.
Mind Map by kaystaarr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kaystaarr over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Identity in the media
  1. The elderly
    1. Stereotypes
      1. Stubborn
        1. Impatient
          1. Weak
            1. Wise
              1. Cynical
              2. Channel 4 news documentary (Gay old man)
                1. Positive
                  1. Very open about their veiws
                  2. BBC 1 documentary (veterans of the war)
                    1. Heroic
                      1. Nostalgic
                        1. Conventional stereotype
                          1. Music = classical
                            1. Black and white = old
                          2. Taco Bell advertisement (Live Mas)
                            1. Unconventional
                              1. Rebellious
                                1. Energetic / active
                                  1. Wild
                              2. Race/ethnicity
                                1. Narrow
                                  1. Race relations act 1968/2000
                                    1. equality for ethnic minorities
                                      1. Updated in 2000 - increase in different ethnicities in the UK
                                      2. Civil rights movement
                                        1. Black society fought for equal rights
                                      3. Celebrities
                                        1. Broad to appeal to their audience
                                          1. Not their true self - their brand
                                            1. The young
                                              1. Homosexuality
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