Map Elements


Mind Map on Map Elements, created by Izzy DiPietro-Harvey on 11/12/2014.
Izzy DiPietro-Harvey
Mind Map by Izzy DiPietro-Harvey, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy DiPietro-Harvey
Created by Izzy DiPietro-Harvey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Map Elements
  1. Compass Rose
    1. May show the four cordinal points or North,South,East,West. Sometimes when they will show intermeoliate points such as North East, South East, South West, and North West.
    2. Key + Legend Map
      1. Shows information needed to be able to understand the map. Show definition of symbols used on maps but sometimes includes scale or compass
        1. Quality map-easy to find , clear to read. Not to big but not to small.
          1. High Quality- clear and creative
        2. Labels
          1. Labels are the words that show something with a specific name ( streets or rivers)
            1. Labels can also be used to represent something if there is only one of it, instead of making up a symbol to just represent one thing.
            2. Map grid
              1. the map will be used to find locations. A grid and index is common in an atlas and on road maps. Sometimes maps will use more of a basic grid with numbers or letters.
                1. The map grid is set of vertical and horizontal lines over laid on the map. Not all maps use a grid and index .
                2. Scale
                  1. Shows the map reader how the distance on the map compares to the distance in the real world.
                    1. A scale shows the distance of something.
                    2. Map Index
                      1. A,B,C, Order
                        1. numbers next to names of citys
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